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Professional contact lens fittings ensure your lenses are comfortable and provide great vision.  Contact lens technology has come a long way in recent years.  Most people can now comfortably wear contact lenses to correct their vision, even those who were not good candidates in the past due to astigmatism, dry or scratchy eyes, or the need for reading glasses.  Bifocal contact lenses are now available, allowing you to see at all distances -- near, far, and everywhere in between -- without glasses!  Dr. Korman will work carefully with you to make sure the lenses are giving you the crispest, most comfortable vision possible.

We fit patients in the most comfortable lenses for their eyes, including breathable, toric (for astigmatism), monovision, bifocal / multifocal, and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses from Acuvue, Alcon, Ciba, Bausch & Lomb, Coopervision, and all other leading brands.

Here is a short video with helpful tips for putting on and removing contact lenses:

Eye doctor Henderson contact lenses

© 2008 Korman Optometry, Ltd.

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